This might sound silly, but you should check out The Parking Lot Movie

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BLOT: (20 Oct 2010 - 01:14:11 AM)

This might sound silly, but you should check out The Parking Lot Movie

Tonight I was sitting back, tired from work and needing to relax a little bit, and I caught PBS's Independent Lens, where they show indie movies (mostly docs?) on Tuesday night. The movie playing was The Parking Lot Movie. If you were to ask me if a movie about a group of semi-social intellectuals working in an indie-minded parking lot would be worth watching, I would have thought you were being silly. I would have been wrong. This is a seriously watchable movie. Sure, watching the guys go on and on about deep thinking and then seeing clips of them stand on customer cars and stuff (in at least one scene) can grate a bit. But anyone who got a college degree and wasn't sure what to do with it. Anyone who has longed for a slightly grimier life. Anyone who has worked a demeaning job to make ends meet, and had to put up with crap from someone just because they judged you by surroundings. Anyone who has learned the value of a good boss and great coworkers. You need to see it. You'll appreciate at least a bit of it. Everyone else, I guess just watch it and sneer.

The Parking Lot Movie Official Trailer from The Parking Lot Movie on Vimeo.

BY WEEK: 2010, Week 42
BY MONTH: October 2010

Written by Doug Bolden

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