BLOT: (25 Sep 2010 - 03:12:39 AM)
Sarah needed a relaxing movie, so I suggested
My other big time-waster has been
And this brings us to the last order of catch-up, my school semester. It is *waggles hands back in forth with an ambiguous shrug*. I have had a handful of assignments. I think they have went well, overall, but the only one I have graded was a low grade. Lowest I have had since undergrad. The class has been given the option to make up some points, based on a lot of misconceptions and confusions, and I have already submitted the re-do, but I would like to see some more positive grades, frankly. Something upbeat. Ah well. Next week I have to continue a lit review, and do a learners' assessment for a project. And, prepare a presentation on Africa, including a stand-up poster-board sort of thing. Too bad I work on Sunday, which was when I planned to do it. And I think that is most of it. The two weeks after that will be rough, because another couple of big assignments drop, and this will have me with a half-dozen notable assignments over a four week period with no real break time, followed by the one of the biggest assignments of the semester (no, I'd say the biggest) and then it will be blissfully empty. There will be a couple of sizable wrap-ups, but nothing like the late-middle section.
Alright, time for bed. I have the day off tomorrow, kind of, but school work will need to be done.
* The LEGO comparison is possibly a little overused, but in many, many ways, it sums it up.
TAGS: Me in 2010
BY WEEK: 2010, Week 38
BY MONTH: September 2010
Written by Doug Bolden
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