Easily the weirdest news story I read this morning: two killed by train, survivor muddles the narrative (maybe)

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BLOT: (10 Sep 2010 - 10:10:07 AM)

Easily the weirdest news story I read this morning: two killed by train, survivor muddles the narrative (maybe)

Here is the news story as I read it: 2 Killed by Train May Have Fallen Asleep on Tracks. Here are some of the facts as reported by the article:

I occasionally read about people falling asleep, or sunbathing, on railroad tracks and I always stop and wonder what the crap is up. I for sure used to play on railroad tracks as a kid, and I have vague memory of being young (6? 7? 8?) and doing some stupid stunt where I pretended to be asleep on a highway (this is is lower Alabama's backwoods, where highways at night get maybe a car per 10 minutes). But actually sleeping? That's strange.

I did go and find another article on this morning's "accident". Almost raises more questions, but it says that the woman who survived and man (one male and female victim) were older and the other victim was a teen). But now, there was no booze involved for hours. And the bodies were found near an overpass.

No matter how you parse this one, it's weird.

BY WEEK: 2010, Week 36
BY MONTH: September 2010

Written by Doug Bolden

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