Have you heard of Candle Cove? Like creepy things? You'll need to see this...

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BLOT: (26 Aug 2010 - 11:31:50 PM)

Have you heard of Candle Cove? Like creepy things? You'll need to see this...

I am hugely indebted to my friend Niko for many things—who else would give me the time of day to talk about an RPG setting where elvish vampires fight dwarven werewolves using steam-punk ray guns?—but I added just a little more to my tab when he showed me this last night: Candle Cove (via Ichor Falls' "NetNostalgia forum"). If you don't know what it is, just read it. Ah, the glory of creepy, non-traditional story methods.

Then, if you are confused as to what I am showing you, maybe read the background of Candle Cove on /x/enopedia.

Then, once you are in the mood, watch this clip. Two caveats: a) it is creepy and b) it has some loud screams. It is not not safe for work, but then again, your coworkers are likely to stare. My favorite bit is about the :39 mark, but Sarah says that's a bad part.

TAGS: Horror

BY WEEK: 2010, Week 34
BY MONTH: August 2010

Written by Doug Bolden

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"The hidden is greater than the seen."