Project Gutenberg: The Chemistry of Plant Life by Roscoe Wilfred Thatcher

BLOT: (10 Aug 2010 - 10:35:13 AM)

Project Gutenberg: The Chemistry of Plant Life by Roscoe Wilfred Thatcher

This morning, The Chemistry of Plant Life by Wilfred Thatcher showed up in my Project Gutenberg "new books" feed. It's a 1921 McGraw-Hill book dealing with plants and various chemical compounds (how they effect plants, how they come from plants, etc). Not a whole lot of illustrations, but quite a bit of chemical formulae. If you want a copy, click the aenidin, below:

Kind of interesting to see them still working out some issues in 1921, while having such a wealth of information otherwise. For instance:

But there must be some influence other than response to environmental conditions which controls the vegetative color in plants, since shrubs, or trees, which have green, yellow, red, and purple leaves, respectively, will grow normally, side by side, under identical external conditions of sunlight, moisture supply, etc. The hereditary influence must completely overshadow the apparent normal self-adjustment of pigment to energy-absorbing needs, in all such cases.


BY WEEK: 2010, Week 32

BY MONTH: August 2010

Written by Doug Bolden

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